
Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information – FOIA

All Illinois municipalities fall under the provisions of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. Persons wishing to view or obtain copies of City records must submit a written request to view and/or receive copies of records and submit it to the City of Fairbury.

To assist a requestor in submitting the required written request, a FOI Request form may be downloaded. The City has five working days to provide the records. Certain records are exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. If the records are exempt, the requestor will be provided with the specific provision(s) in the Freedom of Information Act which makes them exempt.

Questions regarding the Freedom of Information Act may be addressed to City of Fairbury.

To aid in the search of public records, please review FOI Compliance Categories of Records

FOIA requires the posting of 2024 FOI Compliance

FOIA email address:  foia@cityoffairbury.com


To file a FOI request please complete and submit the FOI REQUEST form FOIA Request Form